Black + Free in OBX Retreat

Rest. Reflect. Reset

April 28th - May 2nd, 2024


The focus of this retreat is REST.

To disconnect from your “real” life and reconnect to you, your highest self

We live in a time and culture where rest is extremely undervalued. Instead we value productivity, busyness, accomplishments and externally focused “success.” 

We value doing rather than being. We value physical appearance rather than internal wellness. So we do more, to have more and we are exhausted, burnt out and on-edge.

There has been a lot going on over the past 2 years, and honestly over your entire life span.

From worries about COVID, police brutality, weather, climate change, work, money, family, the list goes on and on and on. 

When we are constantly doing and inundated with worry, stress, information and endless things to “do” we end up overworked, exhausted and burnt out, and not our best selves. 

It’s not a good look, sis. 

When was the last time that you were able to feel rested and settled in your body?

When was the last time you were able to truly relax and getaway? While being surrounded by a group of amazing and supportive Black women?

Rest is an essential and powerful practice that results in a deeper connection to ourselves, others, the universe and the divine.

  • Rest is healing

  • Rest is self-love

  • Rest is liberation

  • Rest is resistance

  • Rest is reparations

We rest in order to be present with our current experience and we rest in order to dream, imagine and create liberation.

We rest for our ancestors and friends/family that didn’t/don’t have access to rest.

We rest as an act of resistance to white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, consumerism etc that seeks to rob us of our ability to rest.

Rest gives us access to a different way of being, it allows us to consider where we are holding tension mentally, physically and emotionally. It allows us the space to consider what is working and what is not.

We have designed this rest retreat for you to leave feeling rested, empowered, loved, grateful and with a new appreciation and/or understanding for taking time to rest. 

Who is this for?

Black women healing

People that enjoy having space for free time, spontaneity and rest

It’s not for:

  • People looking for a jam packed itinerary with every minute/second planned out with things to do

Rest. Reflect. Reset

Save your spot today!

What’s included

  • 4 days, 3 nights Luxury Oceanfront Accommodations

    • Single Occupancy w/ King Bed Rooms $1797 (9 available)

    • Double Occupancy w/King Sized bunk beds $1297 (1 available)

  • Hot Tub

  • Heated Pool

  • 2 Meals Per Day

  • Daily yoga and meditation

  • Reiki Healing Session 

  • Rest for the Weary Workbook

  • Welcome Basket with goodies to support your rest

  • Daily activities 

  • Suggested Activities in the area


Tentative Itinerary

Please note that all offerings are optional and are subject to change.

This is time for YOU. So if you simply want to spend the entire time in your room, you do you boo!

  • Sunday, April 28th

    2-4pm Arrival + Chill + Snacks

    4:30pm Opening Circle + Intention Setting

    6pm Movement + Rest Practice

    7:30pm Dinner

    8:30pm-10 Group Activity

  • Monday, April 29th

    8-10am Breakfast/Intentional Start to the Day

    10:15-11:15 Yoga and Meditation (outside, weather permitting)

    11:45-12:15pm Lunch

    12:30-3:30: Workshop/Activity

    4-6pm Free Time

    6-7 Optional Sunset walk on the beach (weather permitting)

    7pm Dinner

    8pm Optional Movie, Dance, Game night

  • Tuesday, April 30th

    8-10am Breakfast/Intentional Start to the Day

    10:15-11:15 Yoga and Meditation (outside, weather permitting)

    11:45-12:15pm Lunch

    12:30-4pm Activity/Workshop

    4-6pm Free Time

    6-7 Optional Sunset walk on the beach (weather permitting)

    7pm Dinner

    8pm Optional Movie, Dance, Game night

  • Wednesday, May 1st

    8-9am Yoga and Meditation (outside, weather permitting)

    9:30-10am Breakfast

    10:30-6pm Reiki Sessions and Free Time

    7:30pm Dinner

    8:30pm Closing Circle

  • Thursday, May 2nd



    Departure anytime before 4pm

Rest. Reflect. Reset

Save your spot today!


We are so Grateful for Our Sponsors:

Terms and Agreements

Please note all items are subject to change, we will make you aware of any changes as soon as they are made.

Refund Policy

Transportation to and from Southern Shores, NC is not included. 

Refundable only 24 hours after purchase. After that, cancellations may be applied to future products, courses and retreats.

Late payment fees: $10 per day of late payment. Late fees + Retreat fees must be paid in full 1 month before the retreat begins or you forfeit your space. Must be over the age of 21. All retreat fees non-refundable but can be applied to either another retreat or other services via Araminta Wellness. 


Rest. Reflect. Reset